Sometimes I go through the day looking at all sorts of interesting things and wanting to note them down, and usually they're there when i'm waiting, watching ( for let's be honest, its rare to move at quick speeds and really observe things, that's why driving's a bitch!=p).
1. People do silly things when they're bored.
e.g. me, cutting out shapes of fish with a decorative scissors. Work can be surprisingly like school when you're bored. It's just that you don't really stare at the clock.
but more importantly, was the counter girl at BBDC ( I show a marked bias towards observing girls over guys, because I am attracted to them.) She was liquid papering patterns on her very own packet of JusTea. I thought it was really stupid to do it when you're about to drink it and throw it away but then she promptly stowed it away under her counter. So maybe she's marking it so someone wouldn't steal it? But more likely, when in doubt, refer to 1.
2. People do silly things when they're in love.
Need I say more? If I do, I'll gather more evidence in support of point 2 but I have to think a bit.
3. People do silly things when they're stressed.
It starts with small gestures which are cute at first, the pen twirling, the name calling, as well as looking visibly stressed so people will offer to help and you can promptly shout at them for offering it. If it's bad enough you cry and start throwing things around and if it's really bad, you sit down and work by rule, and often needing people to prompt you on every next step. I haven't had anyone slit themselves yet by any means and I hope no one does.
4. People are silly.
Mr Eugenides has a style of description quite unlike any other writer today and I thought Middlesex was slightly better than the critics made it out to be. It doesn't have the same sense of emotional resonance as the Virgin Suicides but lets be clear that probably teenage crushes and impaling yourself on the fence does engage the reader more than a 4 generation epic. But Middlesex is honesty of a different sort, a nice sort of historical imagination and curiosity that we all have about our great-grandmothers, grandmothers and papas etc and the descriptions ooooh.
I want to take note of all these interesting things, maybe make some serious comment about something which I did rationalise and think about earlier in the afternoon that I felt made a lot of sense but when I come back and listen to music and read it all melts away and perhaps its better that way that whatever I came to a conclusion too was internalised and there's not really much need to talk about it and I can just dwell with a reasonable amount of self-assurance and go to sleep tonight.
MotoGP champion Martin to miss season opener
34 minutes ago
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