What the hell is inner beauty?
I think it's a mistake to try to link inner beauty with outer beauty, as if they were two mutually exclusive characteristics. Watching the trailers for Shallow Hal, it appears that "wow, if there's no outer beauty, well there sure is plenty of inner beauty".
Of course, that's probably not what they mean and they just want to remind everyone that looks don't matter. But the worst possible thing we can so is to try to fob off the myth of inner beauty on ugly people who are bitter and resent it. Maybe it's because there was this lady with three teeth sticking out from her lower lip who was clearing tables with a vengeance. Not everyone has the same disposition to suffering (why should they?), and I shall stop before I sound more and more like a Tory (it is impossible to say what I mean!)
Okay, fiscal 04/05 is drawing to a close. When I go back tomorrow I shall try to close all the ePS orders and spend whatever is left of the branch budget. And hopefully I shall end it there and that shall be one of my last contributions.
Budget for fiscal 05/06. Target: Run budget surplus, favourable balance of payments
Possible expenditures:
Handphone. If I were to get this in S'pore, would set me back 700-800 bucks. Shall delay short term expenditure, I think it's bets if I went to the UK and get one with a plan there instead, cut out some of the deadweight loss. (not really, increased profits of local handphone retailers)
to note: recurrent expenditure (in sterling!) for monthly subscription. very painful. need to save more now to prevent deficit later.
IT stuff: settled. very minimal IT budget for next yr. Maintenance and augmentation.
Education: French lessons. French exam. This ministry will try to balance it's own expenditure with tuition income. I think I will let IE pay for the rest once I'm over there.
Accomodation: Need to select one at reasonable rates. Paid for, but no reason to be wasteful.
Transport: Tube? Bike? Not cheap. Definitely no car, no petrol expenditure. Perhaps in Singapore where to be fair I probably have to pay for some of the gas.
Trip: Okay... to Indochina, plane tix, misc money. $1,500 sing? possible? Visa app costs, backpack urgh.
Clothing: Winter clothing. A pair of decent black shoes. Okay enough for now. will update.
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26 minutes ago
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